Open The Books has published the 2012 Chicago Public School Salaries. The top 10 employee salaries for fiscal year 2012 include: Milkie, Michael ($195,520 Noble Street Charter); Spivey, Anthony ($164,454.46 City Wide Education General); Echevarria, Sara ($161,307.18 City Wide Pension & Liab Ins); Hagstrom, Kathleen ($160,879.44 Walt Disney Magnet School); Kenner, Joyce ($160,879.44 Whitney M Young Magnet Hs); Hassan, Okab ($160,879.41 Ferdinand W Peck School); Carlson, Sandra ($160,879.4 William P Gray School); Hunter, Kenneth ($160,879.33 Charles Allen Prosser Car Acd); Broyls, Hiram ($160,283.56 Luther Burbank School); Shulla-Cose, Diana ($159,384.62 Perspectives).
Search certified teachers and employees of the Chicago public schools. Certain administrators can be found by searching in ‘City of Chicago’ under Area of Government, click here.
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