Open The Books – The Chicago Way
National FOX News Investigation
August 30, 2013

Watch FOX News segment, here.

Leading on FOX National Website
Read the breaking news report, here
Yesterday, FOX News broke our investigation into No-Bid Illinois ObamaCare Implementation. Today, it’s a leading story on the FOX homepage, here!
Many thanks goes to our hard working researchers Kirk Allen, John Kraft, Diane Benjamin and the many courageous state employees willing to blow the whistle.
If you live outside of Illinois, you’re paying 90% of this bill. Wrapped inside ObamaCare, there are up to $190 million in no-bid IT contracts to upgrade the Illinois Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS).
The Illinois Way: No Transparency | Millions in Insider Deals
IL Governor Pat Quinn’s administration rejected our Freedom of Information Act requests for all key documents: approved planning, implementation, legal document, and many emails. Despite the cover-up, over nine months, we have collected over 1,000 documents.
In the coming days, the mainstream and new media universe will focus on two questions:
- Why is Illinois circumventing procurement to entertain Client Network Services, Inc (CNSI) as a vendor?
- Why is CNSI even on the approved federal vendor list?
We confirm today, there is no proof that taxpayers are "saving millions." In fact, federal officials via email yesterday confirmed that Illinois to date has not completed any cost-benefit analysis.
Stay tuned for much more in the coming days. Investigative news pieces will expose the many different angles of this truly Illinois story.
Review our previous posts regarding this investigation:
1. May 28: Your Call to Action- Did IL Circumvent Procurement Law?
2. July 16: No-Bid Illinois ObamaCare Implementation
3. August 21: This Story Has a Lot of Legs
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