By Luke Rosiak | Published at DailyWire.com
Kelisa Wing, the former Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chief for the Department of Defense Education Activity schools, drew pressure from Congress after she gave speeches about how tired she was of “white folx” and how the police should be defunded. Wing’s social media postsfrequently lash out at white people, saying someone “had the CAUdacity to say that black people can be racist too” in 2020, calling people Karens, and saying “I am exhausted by 99% of the white men in education and 95% of the white women. Where can I get a break from white nonsense for a while?”
The Pentagon, after initially refusing to cooperate with Congress, last year said it disbanded its schools’ DEI office.
But the Department of Education apparently found Wing to be an excellent candidate, naming her to a $153,000-a-year job as senior adviser for the department, where she continues to push the same extremist politics, according to a new investigation by Open the Books shared first with The Daily Wire.
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