"This is no longer about farm policy. It's merely a transfer mechanism
from one set of Americans who pay taxes to another set
who know how to game the system."
$3.5 Million for Chicago Duck Charities
$960,000 to National Audubon Society
$317,000 to Farrakhan's charities
Published at FOX News, our data driven story:
In December 2013, we issued our The Federal Transfer Report- Farm Subsidies & The Big Dogs. Our report showed farm subsidies flowing into major American urban areas- where there are no farms. In Chicago, New York City and Washington, D.C., nearly 4,000 entities received $30 million.
Over the weekend, FOX News used our data to report:
- National Audubon Society received $960,000- including lamb slaughter subsidies & New York based tobacco subsidies.
- Seven downtown Chicago "Duck Charities" took millions for "duck habitat"- these ducks aren't endangered.
- Two Nation of Islam controlled charities received $317,000 at the personal residence of Rev. Louis Farrakhan in Hyde Park, Chicago.
Last month, Emily Boyd Walker at FOX News used our data to detail $10,000 in farm subsidies flowing to the North American Islamic Trust- an entity with founding ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Key your ZIP code into our free Open The Books app for Apple & Droid: quickly track all disclosed federal farm subsidies flowing into your hometown since 2008.
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