Michigan State Employees Michigan

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Results: 8 salaries found.
Year Employer Name Title Annual Wages Source
2023 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Vice Provost $402,800.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2022 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Vice Provost $380,000.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2021 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Assoc Dean $196,887.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2020 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Program Director $188,297.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2019 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Assoc Vice-President $188,297.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2020 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Assoc Vice-President $188,297.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2018 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Program Director $181,404.45 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
2017 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Sellers Tabbye Chavous Program Director $175,950.00 University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
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