The new ‘minimum wage’ for city work is now $100,000 . One of every two city employees has a compensation package costing taxpayers more than six figures.
Wages as of the trailing 12-months ending on 01.01.2021. Total pay equals gross wages (cash compensation) plus the pension benefit contribution and health insurance payment funded by taxpayers.
So, just who is making all of this money?
Meet the Las Vegas government employee $100,000 Club. It's comprised of 2,037 city employees who earned a new ‘minimum wage’ of $100,000 or more.
While 30-percent of residents were unemployed during the pandemic, and, today, inflation decimates private-sector paychecks, the Las Vegas city employee class is living the good life.
Our auditors at OpenTheBooks.com found the city poured $768,601 into just the city manager position and the new city manager – who transitioned from the operations chief to the manager position.
Scott Adams left the position in November 2020 after being paid total compensation of $443,622 – that is $243,079 in base salary; $117,740 in severance pay; and $82,802 in perks, health insurance, and pension benefits.
New city manager Jorge Cervantes earned $324,976 – that is $227,278 in base pay plus $97,698 in perks, health insurance, and pension benefits. Cervantes transitioned from the operations and development chief to city manager on November 15, 2020.
Mayor Carolyn Goodman’s compensation package cost taxpayers $224,923. This included $156,205 in base pay plus $45,690 in pension and $13,810 in health insurance benefits.
Each of the six city council members cost taxpayers an average of $122,000 each – including $25,000 in taxpayer-paid pension benefits.
Highly compensated public employees weren’t just for the bosses…
Parking enforcement officers billed up to $110,000; motor sweeper operators swept up $124,000; painters and plumbers cleaned up $140,000; animal control supervisors made $158,000; and corrections officers cost taxpayers up to $212,434.
City spokesperson responded our request for comment:
Thank you for your inquiry, and information on your planned appearance on KSNV Channel 3 this week. The city of Las Vegas has open access to data and records, including employee salaries, available on its website, www.lasvegasnevada.gov. Specifically, you can visit our transparency page here www.lasvegasnevada.gov/transparency and our open data portal linked there, or at https://opendataportal-lasvegas.opendata.arcgis.com/.
The city pays market-based, competitive wages to attract the best employees to serve the citizens of Las Vegas.
Learn more at OpenTheBooks.com. Review the last five years of gross wages paid (cash compensation, no pension or health insurance benefit costs) to Las Vegas public employees on our website.