There’s an App for that…
Open The Books App Upgraded
Government Salaries showcased for 31 States
Search the salary of YOUR local public official

the Open The Books App.
$154,000 for a library media specialist? Paying $221,000 for a special education director? A village manager taking $260,000? A double dipper state rep and school superintendent?
You guessed it. There’s a bureaucrat for that- in your neighborhood, funded with your tax dollar.
It’s time to see them all in states like…
NY, TX, FL, OH, IL, PA, WI, CT, NV, LA, MN, MT, NC, NH, DE, ID, IA, AZ, the District of Columbia and many other places.
For maximum impact, we made it free! Download the Open The Books App, here.
Within a 5-50 mile radius, our App delivers the top government salaries to your IPhone or Droid mobile device. Use the search geographically or look up public employees by last name. Graph a salary history.
You will not believe it.
Then Twitter, Facebook or email the salaries to your friends- right from your Open The Books App.
You’re going to want this for the Labor Day conversations… Open The Books makes the pay of virtually all government employees instantly accessible to you.
This is real time transparency- of their pay, paid on our dime.
Last Spring, our Open The Books App hyper-localized virtually all disclosed federal checkbook spending and salaries since 2000. The Wall Street Journal published our op-Ed, Track Government Spending on Your Phone, here.
Today, we’ve upgraded the App to display the public employee salaries in 31 states. What will you find searching Open The Books?
Start searching. Click here- for a free download .
Founder, Open The Books
PS. Help us Open The Books in your state- the salaries and checkbook spending. Help us post "Every dime, Online" with a gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or $500 today.