Orange County Register: Beyond secrecy, time to invent your own gender in California schools? 41_OC_Register_-_invesnt_your_own_gender

July 22, 2024 02:20 PM



By Adam Andrzejewski | Published at Orange County Register

California schools are about to be overrun with woodland animals, pets, vampires, celestial bodies, emoji-selfs, and much more. And it’s been the gender activists’ dream that parents will never be the wiser.

Thanks to Governor Gavin Newsom, kids can now change their genders and pronouns in the K-12 public schools without parent notification. Newsom signed the legislation just this week.  

Today, the proponents say that genders are limitless. And so are the pronouns.

The genders Newsom has been promoting go well beyond “man,” “woman,” and even the nonsensical “non-binary.”

Students can now embrace “neogenders,” like off-the-wall inventions such as “foxgender,” “moongender,” and even “vampiregender,” with accompanying pronouns that can sometimes defy spoken language, à la the “emoji-self” pronoun. 

Whereas a proper sentence used to state, “She said she would do it herself.” In the California neo-pronoun world, the sentence today reads, “Fox said fox would do it foxself.”

Read the full article.


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