The Wall Street Journal, Fox News Channel,
National Review, American Spectator,
John Stossel’s Special- Innovation Nation…

Download Open The Books 2013 National Media Coverage, click here
Our 2013 goal was to put "millions of eyes on the federal checkbook." Thanks to our loyal subscribers and members, we are on our way to achieving this objective.
The national media has recognized the power of transparency to hold government officials accountable. It’s time to usher in a new era of citizen led government where citizens, journalists, and watchdogs deliver "forensic, accountability audits" of public spending.
Who’s receiving a piece of the federal and state spending pie in your hometown?
Last May, The Wall Street Journal published my editorial spotlighting what I found in my hometown of Hinsdale, IL. Millions flowed to the local Lamborghini dealer (now out-of-business) and the Rolex jeweler, here.
Last month, FOX News Channel highlighted our investigation uncovering up to $190 million in no-bid IT contracts to implement ObamaCare, here. National Review followed on with a very detailed investigative report, here.
Recently at the Huffington Post, the Governor of Illinois attempted to have our columns on state outsourcing pulled down, here. Computerworld Magazine backed our research, here.
For John Stossel’s Special- Innovation Nation, we crafted a pin-dot "heat map" of farm subsidies flowing into midtown Manhattan, NYC, here. Then, we showcased the farm subsidies flowing into Washington, D.C., here.
In the week after our Stossel segment, 80,000 people rendered over 700,000 questions, watch here. People are hungry to find out where tax dollars are being spent.
Where’s the next scandal? Where’s the taxpayer abuse? Get your friends to download our app or visit our website, here.
Please search the spending and share your findings with us!
Founder, OpenTheBooks.com
P.S. Help us to continue to post "every dime online" and Open The Books on all public spending. Please invest in our work by donating $25, $50, $100, $250 or $500 today.