Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) The Festivus Report 2023 155_Festivus_report_2023_2

December 22, 2023 01:28 PM


Read the full report!

Studying COVID-19 “Misinformation” On Social Media In Black and Rural Communities, Using $3.8 Million in NIH Funds | Page 21

Throughout the pandemic the National Institutes of Health (NIH) — an agency that suppressed its own involvement in funding dangerous coronavirus research — labeled any COVID dissent as misinformation.


Whoopsie: $236 Billion in Improper Federal Payments | Page 23

Can you imagine having a line item in your personal checkbook for “improper payments?” This year, the Biden Administration sent out a whopping $236 billion in inaccurate checks, otherwise known as “improper payments.” Federal law defines the term as payments made by the government to the wrong person, in the wrong amount, or for the wrong reason.

FY2023’s whoopsies were down only slightly from FY2022’s $247 billion in improper payments, which came to $675 million a day.

Read the full report!


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