"…it may be just the tool taxpayers need
to start holding their elected officials accountable."
Kristine Frazao
National Correspondent, Washington D.C.

Reached 30% of America on FOX, NBC, CBS & ABC
Click Here to Watch Newscast
At openthebooks.com, 1,000 Pulitzer Prizes are waiting to be won…
FOX, NBC, CBS, & ABC affiliates across America featured our OpenTheBooks app on their nightly newscast. In one hour, 2,000 people downloaded it.
What was all the excitement about? Make sure you watch the two minute news segment, click here.
Open The Books is a game changer in the great debate gripping Washington DC– where to cut. In order to cut federal spending, first we must see it. The app hyper-localizes United States government checkbook spending plus farm subsidies and 2.5 million federal employees to your zip code, or any zip code across the country.
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit and Michael Malkin, Fox News Contributor teamed up to promote. The Gateway Pundit posted and tweeted about our "Hot new App", here; Malkin then retweeted the message to her 500,000 twitter followers.
Roger Kimball at PJ Media wrote his Roger’s Rules investigative post using the information at openthebooks.com. Read it here.
Kankakee Daily-Journal newspaper wrote a three part investigative story using information on openthebooks.com. Read it here.
You were with us from the beginning, and now our reach is growing…
You can’t complain about Washington, D.C., if you don’t take the time to see the massive money flows into your backyard and zip code.
What will you find?
Visit the website, www.OpenTheBooks.com or download in The App Store or the Google Play Store.

Adam Andrzejewski
Founder Open The Books.com
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