United States House of Representatives House_of_Reps

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Results: Top 10,000 of 128,975 salaries found.
Year Employer Name Title Annual Wages Source
2020 United States House of Representatives Davis Susan A U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Degette Diana U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Delbene Suzan K U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Desaulnier Mark U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Diaz-Balart Mario U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Dingell Debbie U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Doyle Michael F U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Engel Eliot L U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Escobar Veronica U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Eshoo Anna G U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Estes Ron U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Ferguson A Drew Iv U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Finkenauer Abby U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Fitzpatrick Brian K U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Fleischmann Charles J Chuck U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Fletcher Lizzie U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Foster Bill U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Foxx Virginia U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Frankel Lois U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Fudge Marcia L U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gabbard Tulsi U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gallego Ruben U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Garamendi John U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Garc?A Jes?S G Chuy U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Garcia Mike U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gianforte Greg U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gibbs Bob U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gonzalez Anthony U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gonzalez Vicente U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gonz?Lez-Col?N Jenniffer U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Gooden Lance U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Granger Kay U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Graves Garret U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Graves Sam U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Graves Tom U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Green Al U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Griffith H Morgan U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Grijalva Ra?L M U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Guest Michael U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Haaland Debra A U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hall Kwanza U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hastings Alcee L U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hayes Jahana U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Heck Denny U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hern Kevin U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Herrera Beutler Jaime U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hice Jody B U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hill J French U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hollingsworth Trey U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hudson Richard U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Huffman Jared U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Hurd Will U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Jeffries Hakeem S U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Johnson Bill U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Johnson Henry C Hank Jr U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Johnson Mike U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Jordan Jim U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Joyce David P U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Keller Fred U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Kelly Robin L U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Kennedy Joseph P Iii U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Khanna Ro U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Kilmer Derek U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Kind Ron U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives King Peter T U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives King Steve U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Kirkpatrick Ann U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Lamb Conor U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Larson John B U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Latta Robert E U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Lawrence Brenda L U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Lesko Debbie U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Levin Mike U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Loudermilk Barry U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Luj?N Ben Ray U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Malinowski Tom U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Maloney Carolyn B U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Marchant Kenny U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Massie Thomas U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mast Brian J U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Matsui Doris O U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mcadams Ben U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mcbath Lucy U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mccaul Michael T U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mcclintock Tom U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mcgovern James P U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mchenry Patrick T U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Meeks Gregory W U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mfume Kweisi U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mitchell Paul U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mooney Alexander X U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Moulton Seth U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Mullin Markwayne U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Neal Richard E U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Neguse Joe U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Newhouse Dan U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Norcross Donald U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Olson Pete U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Palazzo Steven M U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
2020 United States House of Representatives Pallone Frank Jr U.S. Congressional Representative $174,000.00 United States House of Representatives
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