Year |
Employer |
Name |
Title |
Annual Wages |
Source |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Comstock Barbara |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Cook Paul |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Courtney Joe |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Crawford Eric |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Crist Charlie |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Culberson John |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Cummings Elijah |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Curbelo Carlos |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Davis Danny |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Davis Rodney |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Davis Susan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Defazio Peter |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Delaney John |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Delauro Rosa |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Delbene Suzan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Desantis Ron |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Desjarlais Scott |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Deutch Theodore |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Doyle Michael |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Duncan John |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Emmer Tom |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Eshoo Anna |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Esty Elizabeth |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Evans Dwight |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Ferguson Drew |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Flores Bill |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Fortenberry Jeff |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Foxx Virginia |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Frank Lucas |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Fudge Marcia |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Garamendi John |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Gianforte Greg |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Gohmert Louie |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Gonzalez Vicente |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Gosar Paul |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Gowdy Trey |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Granger Kay |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Graves Sam |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Graves Tom |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Griffith Morgan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Grijalva Raul |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Grisham Michelle Lujan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Grothman Glenn |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hartzler Vicky |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hastings Alcee |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hensarling Jeb |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hice Jody |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Higgins Brian |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Higgins Clay |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hill French |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Holding George |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hollingsworth Trey |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Huizenga Bill |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hunter Duncan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Hurd Will |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Jeffries Hakeem |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Jenkins Evan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Jenkins Lynn |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Johnson Bill |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Johnson Eddie |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Johnson Henry |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Johnson Sam |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Jordan Jim |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Kaptur Marcy |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Kelly Robin |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Kennedy Joseph |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Kind Ron |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
King Steve |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Knight Steve |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Krishnamoorthi Raja |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lamalfa Doug |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lamb Conor |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lance Leonard |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lee Sheila Jackson |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lesko Debbie |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Levin Sander |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lipinski Daniel |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lobiondo Frank |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Loebsack David |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Loudermilk Barry |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lowenthal Alan |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lowey Nita |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Lujan Ben |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Macarthur Tom |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Maloney Carolyn |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Maloney Sean |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mccaul Michael |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mccollum Betty |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mceachin Donald |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mcgovern James |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mcnerney Jerry |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mcsally Martha |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Meadows Mark |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Meng Grace |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Mitchell Paul |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Moore Gwen |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Moulton Seth |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Murphy Stephanie |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Napolitano Grace |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |
2018 |
United States House of Representatives |
Neal Richard |
U.S. Congressional Representative |
$174,000.00 |
United States House of Representatives |