Ever wonder what your village manager makes? How about the chief engineer? Openthebooks.com just found some numbers that might make debt weary Illinois taxpayers angry.
North Shore School District 112’s Treasurer makes a total of $485,000. One is Moshin Dada’s current salary. But he’s double dipping by taking home a pension from the teacher’s retirement system at the same time. How about Larry Frang, who is paid by taxpayers $392,400 for something called the Illinois Municipal League.
What’s worse, that’s a private sector job but thanks to clout in Springfield, a law passed means we pay for his salary.
The top county salary came out of DuPage. Records show county administrator Donald Zeilenga made $383,000 in 2002. County engineer Charles Tokarski pulled down $340,000 in 2011. 52 village and city managers in Illinois made more than any of the 50 state governors. Leading the way, Lawrence "Todd" Hileman of Glenview at $292,000 a year.
When WGN Investigates contacted Glenview to see if that salary was right, the public relations person confirmed it. Then asked what the number two ranked salary was, we told her openthebooks.com found Grayslake city manager Michael Ellis at $258,000. She responded, well, it is what it is.
What it is, is a salary that will lead to a lifelong pension also in that high six figure level.
Original Article, click here.